I used to think there was something wrong with me…

For years, I thought that there was something wrong with me, that I was never quite good enough. Radiant and even appearing confident on the outside, yet on the inside, I was at war with myself. 

It impacted my romantic relationships, my business, my friendships, my relationship to my body, my finances. 

“I just need to learn how to not get so anxious when I first start dating someone.” 
“I need to learn how to not get so attached and to feel less intensely.” 
“I need to learn how to ‘toughen up.'”
“I need to learn how to talk less and listen more.” 

In my work it was:

“What did I do wrong to cause that client not to hire me?”
“I need to have a bigger email list; I need to learn FB ads; I need to learn, need to learn, need to learn…” 

When I looked in the mirror or got dressed in the morning, it was always, “How does my stomach look today?” and then disappointment that it wasn’t flatter. 

There was always something missing, lacking, too much or not enough. There was always something to improve or “get right.” 

And it was exhausting and had me perpetually spinning on a hamster wheel, never getting to “good enough.” And it blocked me from what I most desire: To be loved exactly as I am. To be successful exactly as I am. To be at peace exactly as I am. 

I was trapped in a life-long cycle of people-pleasing, and the anxiety of trying to get it right. I was often navigating the excruciating pain of heartbreak because “once again, I got it wrong.”

I certainly discovered how tremendously strong and capable that I am to endure tons of pain and get back up again…yet I was clueless about pleasure.

And as it turns out, when you learn to see yourself through the eyes of love, when you learn how to cherish yourself and THEN commit to your own pleasure in every moment, you can literally have whatever you want. 

I know that now. 

It took a lot of healing and support to get to this place where I can easily flip the internal switch within me toward seeing my wholeness and perfection and to simply be exploring what would be most pleasurable for me. I would love to help you flip that switch, too.

Click here to apply to work with me and we’ll explore how a Sacred Self-Love Mentorship with me will change your life.

Creating Emotional Safety for Yourself…

I have seen brilliant, radiant, powerful women who are up to amazing things in their lives diminished to a tortured puddle of anxiety and self-doubt when falling for someone. 

I’ve seen it countless times and I’ve also been her. Years ago, a friend told me that I was so wise but when it came to relationships I was a “hot mess.” The painful truth. 

When the possibility of relationship enters the picture, the attachment system gets triggered and if you have an anxious attachment system, you might as well be a completely different person than you were walking into your first date. I used to get so frustrated with myself that I couldn’t stay “strong,” that this other part of me seemed to take over. I wanted to be the radiant, powerful woman, the light, go with the flow person I was out of relationship…all of the time. 

The problem was that on some level I was rejecting and abandoning myself and had super messy, unclear boundaries. I didn’t understand that *I* needed to be the one who created emotional safety for myself first and I definitely didn’t know how to do that back then. And the result was an absolute f*cking rollercoaster of ecstasy and devastating disappointment. The rush of the connection and the anxiety in between. 

If you want to get off of this rollercoaster…to be the powerful woman that you are outside of romantic relationship WHILE engaging in relationship, to have a solid relationship with yourself and a thriving partnership, I can show you how. 

Our people and our planet need women of all walks of life showing up in our power like never before. Every time you get pulled away from your deeper purpose because you are consumed by self-doubt and anxiety in love…you aren’t the only one who loses out. We need your contribution. 

Women in love with themselves, co-creating healthy, empowered relationships are a huge part of the fabric of healing our planet. Will you join me? 

Melissa Simonson

P.S. I am now enrolling in my one-on-one Self-Love Mentorship Program. Send me a message to set up a Complimentary Self-Love Activation Call to explore how this work will help you heal and have the mutual love that you so deeply long for.

For those who long to be chosen…

2 years ago at this time I was one day away from meeting and falling for someone…the last person I would entangle with before meeting my life partner.

I was still afraid to fully claim & own my desires for fear of asking “too much.” I was doing a lot of wishing and hoping and not yet understanding how to fully and consciously create from a clear and grounded place within myself. I still thought that I needed to learn to be “more self-reliant/independent” and less “needy.” I was a bundle of anxiety for the entire 2 months of that relationship dance. I was still playing the waiting game & hoping to be “chosen.”

I’m so grateful for that time that was so intense because after that I refused to suffer any longer for the sake of “love.” I started communicating with the divine daily. I got clear about what I wanted. Through some powerful, straightforward guidance I got that I didn’t need to learn how to stop feeling certain things or denying myself in order to become “stronger.” I fully understood that there is no such thing as a “needy” person or “too much.” I got that it’s MY JOB to choose me AND to choose my partner and that to love myself is to know what conditions support my blossoming and to ensure that I’m planted in those conditions.

I had no idea at this time 2 years ago the ride I was about to step onto and how it would be one of the most intense, excruciating and greatest gifts I could receive. In that time, I understood what it is to truly be a queen.

I write this today for those of you who get anxious, consumed & distracted when you are dating and relating, for those of you who tip-toe around what you feel and really want, who wonder if on some level you really are asking “too much” and need to learn how to “chill the f*ck out.” I write this for the self-doubters who deeply long for healthy, loving committed partnership. I write this for you who long to be chosen. I write this for you because I see you and know what your path has been like, the pain that you feel…and I know the way out.

I had already been on a lifelong journey of growth and relationship Mastery before I got those final lessons…and what I didn’t know at this time 2 years ago is that I was just 4 months away from meeting the man I would choose to spend the rest of my life with…and that I would never feel so “chosen” in my life.

Standing for your having it ALL.


P.S. I’m here to be your guide and mentor. If you wanna know how the heck you heal these patterns and how you, too, can fully live into the fulfillment of your desire for partnership, send me a message via my contact form and we will set up a conversation about how I can help.

The most important question to ask when dating/relating…

When it comes to dating, there is no “right” way for you or the other person to act, no such thing as “too much,” no such thing as “too fast” or “too slow.” All of this trying to get it right or wondering if something is acceptable or normal has you in your head (the land of ego safety, control and approval games) and ignoring how you actually FEEL.

The most important question that you need to be asking is: “How do I feel?”

Your feelings are sacred guides pointing to your own precious needs and values. If you’re feeling off—anxious, insecure, guarded, confused, frustrated, etc.—this is an indicator that you have some needs that aren’t being fulfilled completely in this situation. When you feel good, it’s because you’re aligning with what you need and value.

When feeling off in a relating/dating situation…the question is never whether or not you should be feeling what you’re feeling. Your feelings cannot be wrong (they are FOR YOU, after all). The question is: “What are these feelings telling me that I most need and desire?”

This is the only authority you ever need to follow.

Happy dating & relating, lovelies!


P.S. If you want to know how to navigate the world of your feelings like a ninja, to confidently choose yourself no matter what and create thriving relationships, I have openings for complimentary self-love activation calls (new clients only) in the next couple of weeks. Send an email via my contact form to grab your spot on my calendar.

You Do Not NEED to Suffer in Order to Grow…

Dear One,

You do not NEED to suffer in order to grow. In fact, it is through sweetness that you truly thrive.

Yes, Life will offer up its challenges–just like the wind strengthens the trunk of a tree so that it is able to rise toward the sky, life will bring the needed elements to strengthen you and align you with the power you possess to create new worlds.

And yet, you need not suffer. When you choose to make peace with what life brings, and turn your attention toward that which is most pleasurable for you moment by moment, you fertilize the soil for your inevitable expansion. When you focus on the needs underneath the fear and anxiety and commit to meeting those needs, you will find yourself flourishing in a state of peace.

It is not noble to choose the “hard” path. To be in the relationship that takes constant “work.” To put in the long hours at work when you truly desire to rest. To say yes for the sake of being “good” rather than saying no in honor of your freedom.

You will grow. This is what life does in its ever-reaching movement toward the light. Life is leading itself, so you can let go of the effort. Choose relationships that simply feel good, effortlessly. Choose to take actions that simply flow and that fulfill you. Make pleasure your first priority and like a tree with proper water and nutrients, you will flourish and rise.

So I ask: What would be most pleasurable for you in this moment? I invite you to go do that, Dear One, and open yourself fully for what unfolds.

<3 <3 <3

©2016 Melissa Simonson