“I may not know what aisle the bread is in, but I can transform lives!”

Funny statement of the afternoon, while in a phone session with a client: (Me to my client) “I may not know what aisle the bread is in, but I can transform lives!”

As I relish moments of feeling comfortable in my new city, and feel like it is taking all that I have just to meet basic needs day-to-day as every moment is a new discovery, I find that when I am doing my work, when I am holding sacred space for my clients as healer, freedom catalyst, and a beacon of radical self-love I am HOME.

When I am living in alignment with the call of my soul, when I am acting on what REALLY matters to me in my heart, I am HOME.

As I bring others home to the truth of who they are, I come home to myself.

I’m so grateful for this awareness today.

©2014 Melissa Simonson

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