Pluto/Uranus Square: Feeling the Intensity

We find ourselves amidst some very intense energy, right now.

Tomorrow, the planets, Pluto and Uranus, will be exactly 90 degrees apart from one another for the 6th time in the past 3 years. And I can feel it build-up inside of me like a volcano that can no longer be contained in my being. I’d nearly forgotten about this alignment until unfoldings in my own life have made it unavoidable to ignore.

Pluto’s energy compels us to transform, to die to old ways of being that have dis-empowered us, so that our true selves can shine through. It brings up the underbelly of all that has been hidden just beneath the surface—the things that we fear to look at and to feel—and it compels us to face it all head on.

Uranus’ energy liberates us by throwing us the unexpected–breakdowns that challenge us to leap into our zone of genius, so that true breakthroughs can occur.

With these two planets squaring off, we have flooding and tornadoes touching down in Southern CA, issues of race that have long been over-looked forcibly rising to the surface, people demanding change. The energy is eruptive and transformation IS happening.

It’s moments like this where I almost call “uncle” as I feel my heart exploding with its own growth and the illusive fears of utter insecurity haunting my thoughts without remorse.

And as I fear losing that to which I am attached, I am reminded: Whatever is left in the end is what’s meant to be mine. All else is false.

There is this desire to cling for dear life as the house is rattling and the tornado threatens to carry it all away. My ego screams “hold on,” while my soul whispers, “let go.”

“Thy will be done.”

I do not know what is on the horizon personally and collectively. I do not know what will be left in tact and what is being birthed in place of all that is falling away. And when I listen to my soul’s whisper, I’m reminded that there is nothing wrong here; that in this moment where I can’t help but cry for the intensity of all that I feel, I am being loved by this, too. All there is to do is breathe and feel until the storm passes through.

©2014 Melissa Simonson

In Love…and Allowing Myself to Express it

In light of yesterday’s post about allowing myself to soften into the vulnerable experience of joy, I’m choosing not to contain myself today: I am in love with an amazing man who very much loves me back.

Despite all of the ego fears that creep up telling me that it’s possible to “jinx” this wonderful experience by declaring it out loud, I’ve decided that I don’t give a shit. Regardless of what will ever come around the corner—today, right now, in this moment, I am blissfully content with this unfolding relationship, and I am giving myself the gift of expressing that joy with you.

And what do you know? The sky isn’t falling. The house is not burning to the ground.

I’m claiming my joy…and taking deep breaths as I bask in the sacredness of this tender, vulnerable space–allowing myself to receive the love that has been present here all along, waiting for me to open to it. Healing, releasing, breathing and healing some more.

Thank you, God, for this growing awareness and the precious gift of the love that is You in all of Your forms. I honor You today by choosing to receive You fully in all of Your brilliant glory. Thank You for blessing my life with all that unfolds, for the gift of this growth. May I remain an open conduit to receive Your love and offer it up through all that I am, that you are. AMEN.


©2014 Melissa Simonson

Let Life Crack Me Open


Let life crack me open
So that the truth leaks out
Like liquid light…transforming
The darkness

Let me be filled up to the brim
With more than I can handle
So that I may discover that I am

That love is limitless

There are no hurts too big
No joys too messy
To mess with the heart of me
The bones of me
My soul

Use me
Challenge me
Stretch me
Grow me

So that I might fully
Know the gift
Of my life.

What I really want to say to you

Dear Beloved,

You are so beautiful. I know that you forget sometimes, that you can’t see the gift of who you are, and so I’m writing this love note to you today in hopes that I can remind you of who you really are.

You are so deeply lovable.

Have you looked in the mirror lately? Have you seen that smile? Have you seen how adorable that you are when you wear a serious frown? You could not be more perfect than you are in this moment.

There is nothing that you have to do to be worthy of this love. Absolutely nothing. A tree needn’t do a thing for me to love it for what it is. The ocean in its vastness could never do anything wrong. The orchid gives its gift simply because it exists. Can you see how this is also true for you?

Let’s breathe together. Feel the air, filling your lungs…and then let it go to be born again in the next moment…and let it go…and feel yourself being born again.

It’s so easy to get caught up in thought, to be seduced by the cycle of your mind, to strive, to think there is something to do, another mountain to climb. And yet in all of your striving and living in your mind you ignore this most sacred gift of your breath, of feeling all that there is to feel in your body.

Keep breathing with me. Can you see that there is nothing wrong in this moment? That nothing is ever wrong? Wherever you find yourself, and in whatever circumstance, can you see that there is nowhere else for you to be but here, being loved by me, right now?

I’m just sitting here smiling…my heart is full.


P.S. You. Me. Your astrological chart. Your Soul Purpose revealed. You feel seen, heard, loved. You walk away with clarity and the confidence to embrace your truth. And I just love witnessing you in your blossoming as I get to share my gift with you. Click here if you would like to schedule a free call and learn more. xo