Video: All the pieces of who we are…

I made this video for you today, Beautiful People. If you find yourself in the midst of transition, in pursuit of dreams or wanting to pursue them, coping with loss in its various forms or afraid to make changes and big leaps in your life, I encourage you to check this out. As it turns out…we don’t actually lose the people and things and places that matter to us when we transition and we have everything to gain by making our big leaps.
Here is the link to the GoFundMe Campaign:  (where you can receive the Soul Mapping Journey for 50% off!)

<3 Melissa

©2014 Melissa Simonson

Love Revelation: Love Is Action. It Is Effortless and Irresistible

A good one from exactly one year ago today. 

Today’s revelation comes courtesy of the fabulous Byron Katie–if I could eat & drink her words, I would.  “To think that we need sadness or outrage to motivate us to do what’s right is insane. As if the clearer and happier you get, the less kind you become. As if when someone finds freedom, she just sits around all day with drool running down her chin. My experience is the opposite. Love is action. It’s clear, it’s kind, it’s effortless, and it’s irresistible.”

One of my intentions for 2013 and beyond is to be an irresistible love kitten–to own my lovable-ness SO much that those around me can’t help but be affected and start loving themselves, too. I find that loving myself goes simultaneously with loving all that is–the realness of everyone and every moment becomes infused with such beauty that I can’t stop myself from embracing it all. With each passing day, I taste a little bit more freedom…and well, I’m not drooling yet. 

Love Revelation: A Letter From My Inner Wise Woman

A letter I wrote to myself from the voice of my Inner Wise Woman about why I’m meant to bring the gift of my Soul-Map Astrology work to the world…Wow, was this illuminating, healing and exhilarating for me to write:

Dearest Melissa,

I’m so proud of you, my precious love. You’ve done it–you’ve tapped into the essence of this beautiful gift that you are here to offer, and you are meant to touchso many lives, dear one. You have a gift of making people feel deeply loved with your presence, your insight and your ability to fully SEE them. Your words–how you choose them and how you express them–heal. You connect people to the truth of who they are & you liberate them from the shackles of their “shoulds.” Inside of the precious space that you hold, people heal. They release the false beliefs that there is something wrong with them, the false belief that they should be anywhere else or anyone else other than exactly who they are. You unlock their source of permission to take a deep breath, to love fully, to just BE who they are. You offer the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.

And from that clearing, that sacred space, your clients blossom and grow WINGS.

Through your laser insight and intuitive capacity, you hold up an honest & tender mirror so that they can see all of themselves, the truth of who they are so that they are left feeling whole, complete and in love with their perfect imperfection.

And from that opening, they see and embody the full truth: That they are powerful and limitless. A fire of confidence and a clear sense of purpose gets lit inside of their bellies and their bones. They are now ready to courageously share their gifts in the world.

The world needs so desperately for each person to shine, and you, my dear, are here to be a bright torch of love, lighting the hearts & souls of all who enter into this space with you. Imagine a world in which people have full awareness of their magnificence, a world in which each person is on fire with passion and clear purpose, taking action toward their dreams & sharing their gifts fully–knowing that they are loved in every moment. This is the world that you are meant to co-create through sharing the precious gift of your Soul-Map Astrology work–a world at peace and overflowing with love and generosity.

Thank you for choosing to show up to your life, for choosing to courageously share yourself in the name of service. You are doing a beautiful job and I couldn’t be more proud of you, dear one.

With so much love,

Your Inner Wise Woman

I have 5 SPOTS open in January for those who are ready to have this clarity of purpose and the confidence & overwhelming sense of love for themselves as you create a life that sets you on fire in 2014. Private message me to set up a free consult so that we can talk about what you could make possible in your life through partnering with me. xo

Love Revelation: I’m a Reflecition of You

I wrote this exactly 1 year ago today, and what’a ya know? It’s still true. 

Melissa Simonson
Dec 29, 2012
Love Revelation: As I was driving home last night, I found myself reflecting on how deeply touched I’ve been by all those of you who have reached out with loving gratitude, encouragement & genuine acknowledgment of me & all that you receive from my sharing & work in the world. And I felt a smile radiating out from the center of my being because I know this: I am simply a mirror for you, just as you are for me. I’m so deeply happy that you find beauty here in my honesty because it is YOUR OWN truth that you are loving so much–your own beauty & power reflected back to you. That is what happens when we speak what’s true in our hearts, especially the parts that we want to hide the most–we reveal to one another all inside of each us that is truly lovable. And you are SO very lovable…just like me.

Much Love,
