Love Revelation: Will you hold my hand through the unknown?

I’ve created an amazing opportunity for you to experience the Soul Mapping Journey at a 50% reduced cost until March 31st. But first, this week’s Love Revelation.

It’s been awhile since I’ve taken a moment to still myself and write from my heart. I’m flying out to Brooklyn, NY on Saturday to begin this next chapter of my life, and my brain has been full–from the moment I awake in the morning, I have been consumed with all that there is to do with this move, and this wouldn’t be a love revelation if I didn’t admit that there is lots and lots of anxiety mixed in with the to-do’s.

I took some time out to journal this morning and slow down my thought process and I saw how scared that I am. It’s not that there isn’t excitement in there, ’cause there is definitely that, and there is also loads of vague anxiety. A sense that I’m dropping the ball, somehow. A fear that I’m going to struggle financially. A deep longing for peace, ease, and solid security.

Much of this is just my mind, body and spirit reacting to mega change. My fight or flight response is in hyper-drive, right now. There is a need to allow myself to be with the fear, to validate it, to thank it for doing its job–to be with myself as I would be with a child who is under my care and protection as we make this big transition.

And then there are the parts that I can simply remedy with clarity, with continuing to be in communication with those around me, with creating plans and structure that have me knowing that no matter what, I will always have my back. 

And it’s for that reason that I decided to create a crowd-funding campaign and open myself to receive your help and support. The money part is, of course, an essential piece in my making this transition in a sustainable way, and there is something deeper than that. The support that I have received so far has buoyed my spirit, it has created a sense of connection and an awareness that I am truly not alone in a way that I so need, right now.

Because the truth is, going through transformation can be the most alone experience that we go through…it can feel like we’re lost and in between worlds. And it doesn’t HAVE to feel that way. Taking on this move to NYC has been a powerful lesson in that for me. I don’t have to go it alone, and I’m choosing not to. None of us have to go it alone.

It is my commitment through my Soul-Mapping Journey program to hold people’s hand as they choose to pursue their passions and follow the call of their souls, and now, I’m inviting you to hold mine as I take my own soul journey. 

Will you hold my hand and make a powerful difference in my life as I take this powerful step in the direction in my dreams? Will you give yourself the gift of not only knowing yourself as a powerful contribution in my life and in the world, but also through receiving the cool opportunities (like the Soul Mapping Journey at 50% off) that I created as rewards for the campaign?

You can watch the inspirational video I created, support the campaign, learn more, share it, and claim your own amazing transformational rewards by clicking here: 

Thank you for being with me on this journey. You make a true difference in my life with your presence and love.

If you are thinking that you would love to receive the Soul Mapping Journey at this kick-booty discount and you’re wondering how the program will make a powerful difference in your life, I offer a Free Discovery Session to all those who are ready to to get unstuck, to have clarity, and to take action in alignment with their soul purpose–and experience great freedom and joy as a result. In this Free Discovery Session, we will get clear on whether or not The Soul Mapping Sessions are a perfect right fit for you, and you will receive:

  • Clarity around your core needs & longings right now
  • Clarity around how you can meet those core needs & longings
  • An unleashed desire to pursue your passions
  • Unconditional love & acceptance for who you are and where you are in your life, right now
  • Full access to tools that you can use to create a life that you love

That’s a lot of deliciousness, no?

Your soulful calls to action:

1) Email me with why you would love to experience a FREE 1-hour Discovery Session with me.
2) I’ll send you a link to my calendar so we can make that happen!
3) Visit my GoFundMe page and check out all of the awesome, awesome rewards:

I love you.


©2014 Melissa Simonson

Love Revelation: Being real can be so damn hard, sometimes.


Sometimes it can be so hard to be real. Shame kicks in and permeates all
that I feel and I’m left hiding something that I don’t know I’m hiding. Trying my best to wear a smile. Pretending that something inside of me isn’t bending to the breaking point.

The truth is I’ve been living each day with overwhelm, with fear, with anxiety.

I’m moving from Madison, WI to NYC in a month, and its the biggest change I’ve ever chosen. Most days I’m just so focused on overcoming fear and wondering what I have begun. I’m in a process of becoming, and it’s a process of coming undone.

And I’ve felt really alone. I’ve felt unsure of myself. I have closed myself off with judgment.

Like, somehow, I’m supposed to know how to do this. Or I should be able to do this “better.” Like, somehow, I should be more excited then I am. I should be floating when I often feel like I’m drowning instead.

But transformation is a mess, and the truth is I’m doing my best. And my best is fucking beautiful.

My best includes moments of deep aloneness followed by the choice to open up and share myself…intimately

My best includes days when I don’t want to get out of bed, afternoons spent watching movies, to creating from inspiration and putting my thoughts into poetry.

My best includes a month of feeling dizzy and going to the gym anyway.

It includes serving in the deepest way and believing in the work I do even when I’ve created something new and I don’t know the next time that I’ll get paid.

It includes having the courage to leave the only home I’ve ever known to move cross-country

to forge ahead, to expand, and build my life on possibility

My best is my choosing to follow a dream no matter how unreasonable it all may seem.

Yes, being real can be truly hard, until I choose to let go and remember I’m not alone

because all that I am, you are.

Love Revelation: Asking for help is really f@#%ing scary for me.

I’m deeply aware, right now, that the experience of reaching out with a request for help is up there on the list with my most vulnerable, shame-inducing experiences–particularly when it comes to asking people to support me in getting the word out about my work. Just writing these words is causing a tightness in my heart and throat.

My people-pleasing self learned at a young age how to be super self-reliant. It’s one of my superpowers that I can figure out most anything that I set my mind to accomplishing. And yet, it is also one of my biggest downfalls. In part, because I’ve gotten so good at “figuring it all out” by myself that I can be completely unaware of when I actually NEED help and in what ways. I have a tremendously difficult time getting clear on and articulating how I would like to receive support–it’s so scary and challenging for me to claim what I want out loud. Even when someone simply asks, “how can I help?” my mind freezes and I feel all of this pressure not to ask for TOO much. I find myself not even knowing what to say in response to this question.

And it’s exhausting and incredibly limiting. In all of the ways that I’ve learned to go it alone, I can also put a cap on the potential of my life. I’m reminded as I write these words of the African Proverb that is often seen circulating around: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” There are times when we need to go it alone and there are times when we are more powerful when we journey together. This time of MEGA transition in my life is one of those times when it’s not serving me to go it alone, and I am floundering in my capacity to reach out.

Asking for help is messy. There is all of this fear around what people will think (I always make the people who I’m reaching out to SO much more important and powerful than I am in my mind). Questions like, “What do I have to offer them in return?” come up for me. Questions like, “Why aren’t you capable of figuring this out yourself?” come up. Thoughts like “You’re so self-centered” come up. There is fear around asking for help in the “wrong way,” somehow, and not receiving the support that I need. There is a deep down fear of not actually belonging, of not being loved, of no one wanting to help and so I isolate myself. I focus on what I can figure out on my own, and I live an existence smaller than I can even fathom. I rob myself of the love and belonging that I so desire to experience in my life, and so often I feel really, really alone.

I’m teary as I write this because I’m tapping into some core truths that have really needed my attention, and I’m finding myself taking deep breaths and knowing that it is time for me to take some courageous action in my life. It’s time to be raw and real and generous with my humanity. I need help, and no one will ever know unless I ask for what I want to receive.

And so, I’m going to be sending out some emails and making phone calls requesting help, and I’ll be practicing at those things called community, and belonging…and receiving love…and learning what it means to journey farther than I can on my own.

Love Revelation: Rebirthing Myself

My 2nd full day in Brooklyn, NY and I’ve found myself feeling more vulnerable than I can recall ever having experienced in my adult life. Confronted with the unfamiliar around every corner and longing for a sense of comfort and ease as I take on that I will be living here 2 months from now, I found myself overcome with overwhelm, with a sense of being deeply alone, lost and uncertain. I found myself wanting to take back every promise, every commitment to be here and crawl back to the pillowly softness of the life that I know. As someone who LOVES to be in the KNOW and has to challenge herself to take on things that she’s not guaranteed to be good at one way or another…I’m about a thousand miles outside of my comfort zone, both literally and figuratively.

And as I sat there this afternoon writing in an unfamiliar cafe, trying to get my finger on the pulse of the whirlwind of emotions pouring through my veins, I realized that this must be a glimpse at what it felt like to be born. Thrust from the warmth of the womb I’ve known for the entirety of my existence into a harsh new world–to see light for the first time, and hear clear sounds and be smacked on the back as I wailed at the top of my lungs. And isn’t crying to be expected? Is it not part of the initiation of life itself? What else is there to do when experiencing the intensity of it all than to just let it all out?

And so that’s what I did. I sat, writing in that cafe and tears began to spill forth from my eyes. And at first, I was embarrassed and I worried about people noticing as I quickly raised my hands to clear them away, and then, it became clear that there was no stopping these tears. They needed release. I needed release. In the midst of the unfamiliar, of my own re-birth, I was baptized by my tears and I came back home to myself. As I purged my thoughts on the page, I felt held by the honesty of my words. I was seen and heard and I was safe.

And from there, I was able to open up in awe of my courage, and I felt a celebration welling up from my belly. This is freaking terrifying, and yet I’m choosing it because I know in my soul that life’s greatest rewards are born out of the choice to walk through the fire, to be confronted, and to surrender to the mystery of it all.

There will be more days like this ahead for me–where nothing feels right, where I have no idea how it’s all going to turn out and I just want to “go home.” AND I just made it through the first one. There is so much to honor and celebrate about that.

This is what loving me looked like today.

Love Revelation: I’m a Reflecition of You

I wrote this exactly 1 year ago today, and what’a ya know? It’s still true. 

Melissa Simonson
Dec 29, 2012
Love Revelation: As I was driving home last night, I found myself reflecting on how deeply touched I’ve been by all those of you who have reached out with loving gratitude, encouragement & genuine acknowledgment of me & all that you receive from my sharing & work in the world. And I felt a smile radiating out from the center of my being because I know this: I am simply a mirror for you, just as you are for me. I’m so deeply happy that you find beauty here in my honesty because it is YOUR OWN truth that you are loving so much–your own beauty & power reflected back to you. That is what happens when we speak what’s true in our hearts, especially the parts that we want to hide the most–we reveal to one another all inside of each us that is truly lovable. And you are SO very lovable…just like me.

Much Love,
