Love Revelation: Creating 2014

The words that come to mind as I begin to create 2014: Surrender, Ease, Play, Presence.

Sacred Flow.

This year, I’m committed to filling my space with people, activities, places and ways of being that fill me to overflowing. I intend to serve from a deep wellspring of generosity & compassion, and I’m committed to being so nourished that creativity pours forth from my spirit like a sparkling fountain.

I’m committed to feeling so surrounded by love that my presence inspires others to know that they, too, are surrounded by this same love. I want to know myself as capable, powerful and limitless, so that others might know themselves in this same way.

And ultimately, I want to be in FLOW–trusting in the Divine that speaks through my inner knowing, trusting in life’s miraculous unfolding. I want to surrender so deeply that I can’t help but giggle at how silly I ever was to harbor a single worry. I intend to be giddy with delight as I discover how infinitely supported that I truly am, as decisions unfold with ease and I create my life, effortlessly.

2014 is the year of discovering what’s possible when I simply let go. I’m choosing to let the current take me, and I’m ready to live in awe of this journey as I listen & follow the deep call of my soul.

It’s gonna be a frickin’ extraordinary year. I’m already smiling with awe and gratitude. And so it is.


Love Revelation: Dear World


Dear World,

Since I was a little girl, I’ve been trying
to get somewhere. Nowhere specific,
just anywhere but here. and I’m writing you
this love note today to let you know this thing
that’s suddenly gotten so clear:
I’ve arrived.

You see, I’ve finally been listening to this voice
at my core, nudging me, trying to tell me
what I’m here for, and instead of looking out there
and comparing myself to all that’s come before,
I’m aligning with the heart and soul of me
and breathing the only way that I can truly breathe.

And I’m laughing at all of the striving and struggling
in the midst of being free. I simply now can see
that I’ve always been in the right place,
at the right time, with the right gifts to offer up
my light with ease.

So world–I wanted you to know
that while my journey has only just begun,
I no longer feel the need to run–to be anyone
else but me. I’m simply going to let my
petals come undone as I stand in the sun
and allow myself to receive.

Much Love,
