Finding treasure in the darkest of places…

Dear One,

It is in depths of caves, in the bottoms of oceans or far beneath the soil that we find the greatest treasure.

If you find yourself facing circumstances that feel like an insurmountable obstacle, like everywhere you turn there are more questions than answers; if you can’t see the end of the darkness and have no idea how or when you will come upon light…know that you are exactly where you need to be to find your greatest treasure.

The only invitation in these moments is to allow yourself to feel it all, to feel yourself held as you hold the part of yourself that is terrified of the dark. It is in your surrender that you discover the wellspring within you, that you discover the power that you have long sought. It is in these unknown spaces in which you have diverged from the usual path, when you feel lost and alone that you open yourself for a new thought.

You might even get curious, “Why would I create this for myself? What gift is now being revealed to me?”

When you understand that all is unfolding for you, and that you always have the power to create good, you make room within you to find the treasure in the darkest of places.

If you feel stuck and in despair…you are right where you need to be. Feel it all and then, know: things are about to get better than you can even imagine.

Taking deep breaths and feeling it all with you.



The wisdom present in this Solar Eclipse in Cancer…

Dear One,

Tonight’s solar eclipse in Cancer is here to ground us in this truth: Our softness is our strength. Our compassion is our greatest treasure.

If you are like me and those close to me, you have already experienced great emotion moving through you this past week. Any emotions that have been shoved into the dark recesses of your being are coming forth for you to see them, love them, embrace them so that they can help you see that there is not a single aspect of your being that is unworthy of love. Shame has no place in your being, it’s time to speak the truth, feel it all and set yourself free.

As Pluto in Capricorn continues to churn up and breakdown all of the patriarchal structures and conditioning that no longer serves us, this super moon in Cancer is showing us another way…a path that glorifies our feeling nature as the gift that it is, that embraces pleasure for its own sake, celebrates the power of sacred connection, of intuition, and flowing to the rhythm of that life force beating your heart and guiding you in all ways.

This solar eclipse might have you feeling like you’ve been plunged into the deep while you’re just learning to swim…and never fear, Dear Heart. Your only job here and now is to meet yourself with utmost gentleness as you discover your inherent ability to navigate the waters of your emotion. Your feelings have always been guiding you home and now, it is time to listen.

There is an invitation here to mother the scared child within you, the one who doesn’t know it’s worthy of love; to see yourself through the unconditional eyes of a mother’s love for her child. There is an invitation to get so acquainted with your inner needs so that you know how to build the foundation for your own security. That security has never existed outside of you…it cannot be built or achieved as the patriarchy would have us think…it has always existed in your ability to listen to and care for yourself. It is from there that the generous gift that you are flows out to the world around you…and any outward accolade is simply a product of aligning with true abundance.

It is in embracing every aspect of yourself, shedding all layers of the outworn paradigm that has you thinking there’s something wrong with the parts that you cannot fit in a box, it is in seeing that all you have hidden away or tried to “improve” are the truths and gifts that we most need now on this planet. You’ve always had the key to abundance, the key to love, the key to success, the key to prosperity. It is in your ability to embrace every aspect of your being.

So I invite you to begin today with treating yourself with utmost gentleness and knowing that every human act is simply an attempt to meet needs…we are each doing the best that we can and deep down there is a part of each of us all longing to be met with love, compassion, understanding, to be seen as all that we are. Look with those eyes in the days ahead and revel in the beauty and perfection that you find.

I love you so much!!!


P.S. Join me tonight for a Facebook Live Solar Eclipse Sacred Circle at 8pm EST as I share deeper insight and hold space as you process all that you are discovering at this time. 🌔

Photo Credit: Frank Sommers & Anonymous 2nd grade class photographer 😉