Love Revelation: Stuck? Confused? Afraid to make a wrong move? I get you. I’m with you on that path.

A few years ago, I experienced a channeled angelic reading in which I learned about the soul contract I created before coming into this life. It was transformative and profound for me–mostly because what she said resonated with me deeply as truth and also because I had never lived my life believing in or experiencing the presence of angels. I am deeply grateful to Audrey Cole, that amazing channeler, for the gift she offered me through her abilities.

I find myself thinking about this reading today because she expressed very clearly that in creating my soul contract, I asked for the ability to speak my truth in all of its forms and that I am here to be a divine messenger–that the more honest and real that I get in sharing my experience the farther my reach will become, the more people I will touch with my light and the more love I will receive in the process. She expressed that I know deep down that everyone has a story to tell, and I’m here to melt away feelings of shame and unworthiness, and transform them into love.

As tears formed in my eyes and I was nodding YES around every turn, she also said this one thing that is very present with me today: When forming my soul contract, I also asked that I go through LOTS & LOTS of challenging experiences so that I could know what it is to be truly heartbroken, to nearly fail, to have doubts–to have true empathy for the fear of not being a success. And whether I contracted for this in my life or not, I am very aware that I am consciously choosing to take on this move to Brooklyn, NY for this very reason–this move is just one of many choices I’ve made over the course of my life to expand my edges and discover what is truly possible for me…and for you. I want to feel it all, to experience it all so that I have that much more compassion, that much more insight to offer as I hold space for others who are also in the process of pursuing their dreams with everything that they have.

It is for this choice to take on my dreams with such vigor, to thrust myself into the unknown murky waters of transformation that I am so brilliant at what I do. Just like my experience of Audrey Cole, I hold up a mirror for my clients to see ALL of who they are and the sacred gifts they are here to offer, and the actions they can take that are truly in alignment with their soul’s purpose. I create an experience of deep clarity, of beauty, of understanding–and I do it all with a great amount of empathy and gentleness because I continually choose to walk WAY outside of my comfort zone again and again. If I did, indeed, contract to take my life on in this way, I’m SO grateful to my sweet soul for that choice. And on the days where life feels unbearably hard for me, I love to come back to that reminder: Oh yeah. I chose this. I’m here to serve, and this path I am on is the perfect curriculum for RADICAL service.

And so, If you find yourself swept up in overwhelm, terrified of taking a wrong step, doubting yourself, fearing that you will not succeed on the brave path that you have chosen–I get you. I am with you on that path. And if you find yourself longing to take on your life as an adventure, to pursue a deep down joyous dream, and you feel paralyzed to even begin, you feel stuck and confused, you can’t find the first step–I get you. I am with you on that path. If you are struggling to hear the call of your inner voice amidst all of the outside voices, if you are struggling to balance what you want with the wants of all those around you, if you are afraid of disappointing, of losing love and support somehow as a result of your choices–I get you. I am with you on that path.

And I was born to serve you, to meet you exactly where you are, to support you as you unleash, to love you as you doubt yourself. I was born to get you and to help you gain access to ALL of who you are so that you can fall madly in love with yourself, pursue your dreams and create deep fulfillment in your life and relationships. This is what I offer you through my soul-mapping work, and I’ve been practicing my entire life in order to serve you in the highest. And as I continue to dive into the depths of my own dreams, my capacity to hold space for you will only grow.

How frickin’ cool is that?

I love you.


©2014 Melissa Simonson

Love Revelation: Being real can be so damn hard, sometimes.


Sometimes it can be so hard to be real. Shame kicks in and permeates all
that I feel and I’m left hiding something that I don’t know I’m hiding. Trying my best to wear a smile. Pretending that something inside of me isn’t bending to the breaking point.

The truth is I’ve been living each day with overwhelm, with fear, with anxiety.

I’m moving from Madison, WI to NYC in a month, and its the biggest change I’ve ever chosen. Most days I’m just so focused on overcoming fear and wondering what I have begun. I’m in a process of becoming, and it’s a process of coming undone.

And I’ve felt really alone. I’ve felt unsure of myself. I have closed myself off with judgment.

Like, somehow, I’m supposed to know how to do this. Or I should be able to do this “better.” Like, somehow, I should be more excited then I am. I should be floating when I often feel like I’m drowning instead.

But transformation is a mess, and the truth is I’m doing my best. And my best is fucking beautiful.

My best includes moments of deep aloneness followed by the choice to open up and share myself…intimately

My best includes days when I don’t want to get out of bed, afternoons spent watching movies, to creating from inspiration and putting my thoughts into poetry.

My best includes a month of feeling dizzy and going to the gym anyway.

It includes serving in the deepest way and believing in the work I do even when I’ve created something new and I don’t know the next time that I’ll get paid.

It includes having the courage to leave the only home I’ve ever known to move cross-country

to forge ahead, to expand, and build my life on possibility

My best is my choosing to follow a dream no matter how unreasonable it all may seem.

Yes, being real can be truly hard, until I choose to let go and remember I’m not alone

because all that I am, you are.

Love Revelation: Asking for help is really f@#%ing scary for me.

I’m deeply aware, right now, that the experience of reaching out with a request for help is up there on the list with my most vulnerable, shame-inducing experiences–particularly when it comes to asking people to support me in getting the word out about my work. Just writing these words is causing a tightness in my heart and throat.

My people-pleasing self learned at a young age how to be super self-reliant. It’s one of my superpowers that I can figure out most anything that I set my mind to accomplishing. And yet, it is also one of my biggest downfalls. In part, because I’ve gotten so good at “figuring it all out” by myself that I can be completely unaware of when I actually NEED help and in what ways. I have a tremendously difficult time getting clear on and articulating how I would like to receive support–it’s so scary and challenging for me to claim what I want out loud. Even when someone simply asks, “how can I help?” my mind freezes and I feel all of this pressure not to ask for TOO much. I find myself not even knowing what to say in response to this question.

And it’s exhausting and incredibly limiting. In all of the ways that I’ve learned to go it alone, I can also put a cap on the potential of my life. I’m reminded as I write these words of the African Proverb that is often seen circulating around: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” There are times when we need to go it alone and there are times when we are more powerful when we journey together. This time of MEGA transition in my life is one of those times when it’s not serving me to go it alone, and I am floundering in my capacity to reach out.

Asking for help is messy. There is all of this fear around what people will think (I always make the people who I’m reaching out to SO much more important and powerful than I am in my mind). Questions like, “What do I have to offer them in return?” come up for me. Questions like, “Why aren’t you capable of figuring this out yourself?” come up. Thoughts like “You’re so self-centered” come up. There is fear around asking for help in the “wrong way,” somehow, and not receiving the support that I need. There is a deep down fear of not actually belonging, of not being loved, of no one wanting to help and so I isolate myself. I focus on what I can figure out on my own, and I live an existence smaller than I can even fathom. I rob myself of the love and belonging that I so desire to experience in my life, and so often I feel really, really alone.

I’m teary as I write this because I’m tapping into some core truths that have really needed my attention, and I’m finding myself taking deep breaths and knowing that it is time for me to take some courageous action in my life. It’s time to be raw and real and generous with my humanity. I need help, and no one will ever know unless I ask for what I want to receive.

And so, I’m going to be sending out some emails and making phone calls requesting help, and I’ll be practicing at those things called community, and belonging…and receiving love…and learning what it means to journey farther than I can on my own.

Love Revelation: There is a wisdom that only you possess.

With all of the posts showing up in my Facebook newsfeed and landing in my inbox telling me in so many words that there is a “right way” to get where I want to go, I can get so overwhelmed and fall into a trap of thinking that there is always something I must learn or acquire before I can have what I want. After reading enough of this stuff, I literally start having a nauseous feeling and want to lie down. Posts with messages like,

(For women) If you want to truly have success in your relationships or your business or with your money, etc., you need to learn how operate from your feminine core. (And for men, their masculine core.) Posts on how to get the guy who’s “just not that into you” to be into you. Posts on what is truly important in life–and as it turns out, there are LOTS of different versions of what is TRULY important. For those of us who’ve crafted our own careers, there’s always something about the “right” way to blog, the most effective way to grow our following, the path to 6 figures…There are posts about how to successfully achieve our goals. And close to my heart, there are posts teaching us what self-love looks like, how to be irresistible, and radiant, etc.

And there is NOTHING wrong with these posts. There is some spectacular information being shared out there that has led me to BIG breakthroughs in my life and in my relationships.

With that said, As I’ve found myself nervous and hoping to “get it right” in my next relationship, and thinking that I hope I’ve finally learned all the stuff I need to know to stay fully grounded in my feminine power and self-love (haven’t even met a guy I’m interested in yet ;)…it occurred to me today that all of that outside learning is actually a VERY small percentage of my wisdom and capacity to have the kind of relationship I want to have (or career, or money, or physical well-being, etc.). The truth is, when I am fully in tune with myself and listening to the wisdom of my soul, I know exactly what I need and how to fulfill on those needs. When I follow the YES in my belly and my bones, I am infinitely supported and in alignment with my soul path.

You may have noticed that I’m not super “teachery” (good thing, too, because that’s not even a real word….:)…ahem). I don’t have any info products out there at this point in time. I don’t teach “how to” courses at this point in time.

And to be clear, those who feel compelled to teach SHOULD teach–I want everyone to be fully expressed in their unique genius, offering up their gifts to us all, and teaching isn’t really a part of my particular genius. I get that people can learn lots of juicy stuff if they follow me and read my stuff, and I also simply write from what’s true in my heart–not because I want to teach so much as I want to hold up a mirror for you to find what’s true for YOU inside of what I share.

And that’s what I desire in the deepest depths of my soul: For you to have full access to your own brilliance, the wisdom of your own precious inner voice, and then, for you to unabashedly follow that voice where it leads you.

This is my gift to you–not to be your teacher. Not to be another one in the hundreds of people each day showing you the “right way.” I am here to give you direct access to YOUR right way, and to ignite your passion and confidence in the process. In the midst of all of the choices that you are bombarded with constantly, I am here to hold sacred space for you and to use my own laser insight to help you clear away all of that clutter so that all that is left is ONE voice. ONE path. ONE truth: Yours.

And my eyes just got a little teary and if you could see me here in this cafe, you would see that I am wearing a radiant smile because I know THIS truth: You are SO completely wise, and capable. Your life is so precious. You have a purpose to fulfill through your full, unique expression, and my heart overflows as I imagine you blossoming as so many others have before my eyes, as you see ALL of yourself, your personal access to fulfillment as well as the ways that you sometimes block yourself on that path. I want this for you–to experience yourself unleashing as you get crystal clear on your sacred superpowers, on your unique path, on all that is beautiful about you. And, I want this for the world.

This is the gift I offer through the Soul-Mapping Sessions. It is absolutely life-changing. The sense of freedom, confidence and clarity you create in our time together is PRICELESS. For you. For me. For the world. (And as a not-so-side-note, the way I combine coaching, self-love work, and soul purpose astrology is BADASS. I am totally in my genius when I do that work, and because of that, there is NOTHING else out there quite like it.)

Are you ready to claim your spot with me? To be clear, lit up from the inside out and fully aligned to create your most fulfilling life? Are you thinking this sounds like what you need and you’re not fully certain? I want to connect with you–because, I so want you to have the clarity you are longing for (even if that means you are CLEAR that this work is not a right fit for you–how cool would that be to know even that for certain?) If it feels like a YES to explore this with me:

1) Send me an email and share why you feel drawn to do this Soul-Mapping work with me.

2) I’ll send you a link to my calendar for us to schedule a FREE consult where we’ll explore and discover if we’re a perfect, right fit to partner together.

You deserve to have clarity, to trust in your own unique wisdom and to be madly in love with your life.

Sending so much love your way.


Love Revelation: Love Is Action. It Is Effortless and Irresistible

A good one from exactly one year ago today. 

Today’s revelation comes courtesy of the fabulous Byron Katie–if I could eat & drink her words, I would.  “To think that we need sadness or outrage to motivate us to do what’s right is insane. As if the clearer and happier you get, the less kind you become. As if when someone finds freedom, she just sits around all day with drool running down her chin. My experience is the opposite. Love is action. It’s clear, it’s kind, it’s effortless, and it’s irresistible.”

One of my intentions for 2013 and beyond is to be an irresistible love kitten–to own my lovable-ness SO much that those around me can’t help but be affected and start loving themselves, too. I find that loving myself goes simultaneously with loving all that is–the realness of everyone and every moment becomes infused with such beauty that I can’t stop myself from embracing it all. With each passing day, I taste a little bit more freedom…and well, I’m not drooling yet.