Coming home to ourselves…

Yesterday, as I was connecting with a client, we were reflecting on the experience of “home” in light of my recent move to Brooklyn. She said something really powerful (my clients are brilliant): “I think all of us are just searching for that sense of home in our own way.” The search for clarity, for confidence, to “get it right,” to know why we’re here, etc…these are all just different ways of searching for the experience of being at home in our own skin.

And it hit me: This is what I provide through The Soul-Mapping Journey. I unveil the map of your core essence, I connect you to your inner truth, I guide you home to yourself. And what does it feel like when you come home? It feels like clarity. Like freedom. Like comfort. Like acceptance. It feels like “there is nothing wrong here”…because there isn’t, of course.

Through the Soul-Mapping Journey, my clients come home to everything that matters to them, to what lights them up, and they see clearly, the pieces that have been missing for them, they gain access to new paths to create the fulfilling lives that they are longing for.

When we feel at home in our own skin, we naturally become generous with our love, and life takes a quantum leap. Obstacles turn into opportunities. We create and call forth what we want with ease. Life just flows because we are in flow.

And so, as I navigate this next chapter in my own growth journey, I am acutely aware that even in this new place, I am naturally easing into a sense of home because I am living out the YES inside of my soul.

And I want to create the opportunity for you to have this sense of home wherever you go or whatever dreams you wish to pursue, too. Between now and March 31st, the Soul-Mapping Journey is available at 50% of it’s valued worth through my GoFundMe project. As I ease into this next chapter of my life, I want to make it really easy for you to do the same. Let’s come home together, shall we?

If you want to explore and uncover what might be available for you through embarking with me on The Soul-Mapping Journey, I offer a FREE Discovery Session to explore whether or not the program is a right fit for you. In this session you will receive:

– Clarity around your core needs & longings, right now

– Clarity around how you can meet those core needs & longings

– An unleashed desire to pursue your passions

– Unconditional love & acceptance for who you are and where you are in your life

– Full access to tools that you can use to create a life that you love

That’s a lot of deliciousness, no?

Private message me with your request to schedule your free sesh and I will send you my calendar so that we can get that schedule.



©2014 Melissa Simonson

“I may not know what aisle the bread is in, but I can transform lives!”

Funny statement of the afternoon, while in a phone session with a client: (Me to my client) “I may not know what aisle the bread is in, but I can transform lives!”

As I relish moments of feeling comfortable in my new city, and feel like it is taking all that I have just to meet basic needs day-to-day as every moment is a new discovery, I find that when I am doing my work, when I am holding sacred space for my clients as healer, freedom catalyst, and a beacon of radical self-love I am HOME.

When I am living in alignment with the call of my soul, when I am acting on what REALLY matters to me in my heart, I am HOME.

As I bring others home to the truth of who they are, I come home to myself.

I’m so grateful for this awareness today.

©2014 Melissa Simonson