Poem: Our Love


Riding the train at 2am
And I’m struck by the beauty of our hands

This is what love looks like
Our love
The beginning and end
Of black and white
The beginning of something
Felt deeply right
In our bones

This man’s soul
Looks like my soul
There’s a sort of
Coming home
A sort of
Discovering wholeness

And all I can think is:
Look at our beautiful hands?
This man. I’m so in love with
This man.

©2014 Melissa Simonson

Let Life Crack Me Open


Let life crack me open
So that the truth leaks out
Like liquid light…transforming
The darkness

Let me be filled up to the brim
With more than I can handle
So that I may discover that I am

That love is limitless

There are no hurts too big
No joys too messy
To mess with the heart of me
The bones of me
My soul

Use me
Challenge me
Stretch me
Grow me

So that I might fully
Know the gift
Of my life.

Poem: Sacred is Sexy


There is something so sexy about the sacred
all in 
seen and fully known
I want to be drenched in the mess of discovery
to be with you
to be with all that brings you alive
to be touched
by your light
to mingle with
the divine
in your wild eyes
this passion lives in everyone.
it’s what I live for–
to ignite hearts and minds
and to find
the soul beneath
the pretty paper
to drink in the sacred
the surface of
your sweet skin.

©2014 Melissa Simonson

Poem: The Beauty That is All of Me


There is this deeply sacred part of me 
who is emerging. blossoming. 
loose. unleashed.
there is surrender here. vulnerability.
there is a tenderness birthing herself
warm and free. 
all that I feel is magic.
the beauty that is all of me.
I am in wonder. I am in awe.
and I am
in love. 

©2014 Melissa Simonson

Love Revelation: Love is all there is…



Life has this way of loving me, of loving you
with every opportunity, every pain point,
with every struggle, every truth
Love lives in the dark places and the light
In the magic and the routine
In the order and the mess

Love IS the miracle that we seek

The clarity, the confidence
In the moments that we wonder,
am I the only one? Am I all alone?

We have only to soften, to open, to allow

We are, at any moment, in the presence of blessing,
surrounded by love. If we choose to see it,
wonder is all that’s left.

It’s all that there is.

©2014 Melissa Simonson