
GlamourShot2Whatever you want—the amazing relationship, the healed family relationships, the job, the money–lies on the other side of learning and embodying what it means to CHOOSE YOURSELF.

But how the heck do you do that?

Chances are you are here because you are hungry to grow. You have reached a point in your life where you see that years of putting other’s needs before your own, of doubting yourself, of fearing being “too emotional,” “intense,” “needy” has only created more anxiety and pain in your relationships. You are a deeply compassionate and generous woman and you want to love yourself, to make your needs a priority without wavering, to create win/win situations in your relating where no one (including you) has to sacrifice feeling good. You would love to walk in the world with the confidence of a Queen…but how? 

Whether you are…

  • here to know yourself clearly and transform unhealthy patterns through a Soul Connection Astrology Intensive 
  • you have declared that a core desire is to transform your love story from anxiety, disappointment & heartbreak into a mutually fulfilling partnership
  • you love the idea of making your needs a priority when relating and honestly don’t know how that translates into ACTUALLY doing it
  • you long to be free from the anxiety of making a “wrong” choice or doing/saying the “wrong” thing
  • Or you are ready to unwaveringly EMBODY how lovable that you are but can’t see how to turn the switch in that direction.

You’ve come to the right place.

Hi, I’m Melissa Simonson, I teach women how to choose themselves—how to become your own best parent, friend, lover, and partner so that you cannot only have an amazing relationship but create the whole LIFE that you most desire. I am here to help you come home to your power and create thriving relationships, beginning with yourself.

My Journey:


My life-long journey has been learning to choose myself, to make what feels good to me a priority, to face and transmute deeply entrenched fears of disapproval into freedom and unconditional self-acceptance. This is now what I help other women do for themselves through my work, every day.

No one even had to show me Disney movies or read me princess stories…I pretty much came out of the womb wanting to be chosen by a prince. It took nothing for me to drink the fairytale kool-aid.

For years, my default programming was wired to seek and gain approval—of the men I dated, people I placed in authority, people more outspoken than me. As long as I believed that someone had something that I needed, I would ignore my own feelings, desires, boundaries and show up how I “thought” they wanted me to in order to achieve or obtain the safety, control or approval I thought I needed.

…Hoping that they would admire me, hire me, love me, respect me, CHOOSE ME.

To be clear, this looked on the outside like being the “good girl,” like being “thoughtful” and “sweet” and “understanding” and the truth is, I was and always will be a tremendously generous, compassionate person…it’s just that the the deep fear that there was something wrong with me, that I wasn’t lovable just as I am was unconsciously pervading all of my relating and the choices that I was making.

While I’ve been doing powerful work as a Spiritual Life Coach and GlamourShot52Astrologer since 2006 and began my journey with Astrology as an 8-year-old, it was in 2014 that I became like a HAWK, a detective who never tired of learning to understand and catch myself playing approval games–anytime I wouldn’t say what I really thought, would be wishy-washy with my needs, would say “yes” when something was really a “no” for me. I began to integrate that self-inquiry process with all of my years of self-discovery so that the result became knowing myself exquisitely well and becoming committed to setting my life up in a way that feels good…TO ME, FOR ME. This is choosing myself–I never make my desire to be in relationship with another, to have a job, a client, a certain position of status, money, etc. preferable over my own authentic well-being.

Choosing myself continues to be a process of discovery and exercising my boundaries–knowing the conditions that must be present for me to feel my utmost, to shine in the utmost, and becoming unwilling to settle. I still catch myself in moments of getting off-center for someone’s approval and it’s so empowering to discover another area within my being needing my choosing, my acceptance.

A story for another day is how bold I was in stating my needs & desires and asking my partner’s intentions on date 2–a very courageous step for me at that time. . We’re getting married in October of 2019.

This is what I teach. It begins with clear awareness of your default patterns
and what will set you free as we look at your birth chart in my Soul Purpose Astrology Intensive. From there, if we so choose, we embark on a journey ofGlamourShot3
bringing you home to your clarity, to understanding what it is that you most need and equipping you to choose yourself again and again through my
Sacred Self-Love Mentorship Program.

Whatever you want—the amazing relationship, the healed family relationships, the job, the money, etc—lies on the other side of learning and embodying what it means to CHOOSE YOURSELF.

I would be honored to show you how.

Click here to apply to work with me and experience for yourself how partnering with me can transform your life.